Spring Training Camp

When most people think of Spring Training, they think of Derek Jeter or David Wright gearing up getting ready for the baseball season ahead.

This past Saturday, the Timber Lake Family of Camps had a “Spring Training” of our own as all of the camps’ Head Staff & Division Leaders got together at North Shore Day Camp in preparation for the summer of 2011.  Executive Director Jay Jacobs started off the meeting and talked about “keeping our eye on the ball.”  He spoke about what it takes to have a successful summer and how our best tools are our unparallelled staff and the hard work and devotion they bring to each summer at camp.

The day was action-packed, full of getting “Ditterized” by a legend in the camping industry, Bob Ditter.  Bob is a well regarded child, adolescent and family therapist from Boston, Massachusetts.  He is a nationally recognized trainer and consultant who has been working with us for over 20 years.

The day was a great experience for all of our Head Staff involved, and although the TLC Family of Camps has continued to grow with well over 90 staff members in attendance, we remain bonded together as one – One big happy family!

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