Learning Skills, Having Fun, Building Character
Score a goal…cheer for your team…hit a single…sink a free throw…slap high-five!
At Hampton Country Day Camp, our campers receive a balance of quality instruction and recreational play from experienced coaches and specialists who promote TEAMWORK AND SPIRIT. Whether your child is an all-star athlete or just learning how to play, our goal is for every camper to walk off the field or court with improved skills, increased confidence and stronger friendships.
Hampton Country Day Camp’s 10+ acre facility offers beautiful athletic fields and courts that are appropriately designed for every age group.
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Tennis
- Flag Football
- European Handball
- Gymnastics
- Newcomb/Volleyball
- Relay Races
- Softball
- Soccer
- Gaga
- Street Hockey
- Lacrosse
- Sports Leagues
- …and many more!
Progressive Skill Development
Tailored specifically for each sport, age and ability level
- Skill(s) of the Week identified and introduced to our campers for every sport
- Skill-specific drills, lessons and tips integrated into all instructional periods
- Week-to-week progressive skill development (building on last week’s instruction)
- Games that reinforce the skills learned will be built into all instructional periods
- End-of-day review of skills learned and games played
- Emphasis placed on good sportsmanship and ‘playing the game the right way’
- Our coaches are selected carefully with an eye on character – positive influences are key to building confidence both on and off the court/field so we go the extra mile to leave our campers feeling like winners