Here’s To Your Health!

1) Hampton Country Day Camp.
2) Lots of happy children.
3) Healthy foods served daily.

Mix these ingredients altogether on a warm sunny day with some swimming, awesome activities, laughter, singing and some arts & crafts. Let sit until an appetite ensues… Your final product? A well-fed Hampton Country Day Camper!

In our continuing effort to partner with our parents, we continue our commitment to serve healthy & tasty foods where the menus are nutritionally balanced and offer a range of textures and tastes that will appeal to any child. We take your child’s nutritional health seriously at Hampton Country Day Camp where we do our very best to make sure that what we have on-hand for your child is only the healthiest of healthy!

As you know, kids will eat mostly what’s made available to them.  Here at Hampton Country Day Camp, campers can choose from a variety of different foods such as fresh salads, grilled chicken, fruits, yogurts and of course everyone’s favorite chicken nuggets and pizza!

And for campers who have food allergies or special dietary needs, we have a special person on staff who assists the Division Leaders, counselors and campers in addressing those needs.  So here’s to your health!

Here are some websites that you may find interesting and helpful:
“Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution”
USDA Children’s Food Pyramid
Go, Slow, and Whoa! A Kid’s Guide to Eating Right

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